Developing a digital supply chain strategy is closely linked to having a clear digital vision of the company. As explained in previous articles, analyzing external and internal influencing factors, including applying tools such as Business Model Canvas and Technology Radar, forms the basis for formulating a digital vision. This vision, in turn, guides strategy development, including digital strategy, by ensuring that all digital initiatives are aligned with the company's overall goal.
As a dedicated digital transformation business consultant with a strong focus on logistics and SCM, I help companies adapt to the dynamic business world and be ready for the future. This article combines the importance of clear digital supply chain strategy development with practical consulting tools and examples to provide an approach for companies in the logistics sector.
Source: Image generated by the author using AI generation with
Challenges and opportunities of digital supply chains
The integration of advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), smart contracts, big data analytics and cloud computing opens up vast opportunities for the logistics industry to transform and improve the efficiency of their supply chains. These innovative tools not only contribute to greater efficiency and customer satisfaction, but also enable the development of new business approaches. However, the introduction of these technologies also brings challenges, including concerns about data security and privacy, the complexity of integrating and managing these systems, and change management.
The central role of a clear (digital) strategy
A well-thought-out (digital) strategy is the basis for the success of digital supply chains. [1] It defines goals, prioritizes actions and specifies how digital initiatives should be implemented. A clear strategy serves as a guide through the complex landscape of digital transformation and enables companies to act in a focused and targeted manner.
Use of consulting tools in strategy development
Companies have various tools at their disposal to develop an effective digital supply chain strategy:
Supply Chain Mapping: This framework helps companies visualize and analyze their supply chain processes. It identifies bottlenecks and inefficient processes and shows opportunities for improvement. [2]
Digital Maturity Assessment: This tool evaluates a company's digital maturity and helps prioritize digital initiatives. It enables companies to identify strengths and weaknesses and take targeted measures. [3]
These tools are helpful in navigating the complex requirements of digital transformation and developing a strategy that sets achievable goals and provides a clear direction.
An example: SupplyCo's digital revolution
SupplyCo, a hypothetical company, defines its digital vision with the goal of becoming a leader in the digitally transformed logistics industry, with a focus on increasing efficiency and customer satisfaction. This vision serves as a guiding star and source of inspiration for the company's future direction in the digital age.
To turn this vision into reality, SupplyCo uses strategic tools such as supply chain mapping and the digital maturity assessment. With supply chain mapping, SupplyCo visualizes its entire supply chain, identifies optimization potentials and plans efficient processes. The digital maturity assessment helps to assess the current digital maturity level and define clear improvement goals. This careful planning and analysis forms the basis for developing a comprehensive digital strategy.
Based on the insights and goals developed using these tools, SupplyCo then implements specific technologies such as IoT for real-time tracking and AI for automating processes. These technologies contribute significantly to increasing operational efficiency and improving responsiveness to market demands, effectively achieving the goals of the digital vision. Thus, SupplyCo's digital vision creates the framework for the transformation, while the digital strategy, supported by targeted analysis tools, sets out the detailed action plan and the targeted use of technologies brings the vision to life.
Transforming supply chains into the digital age is challenging, but offers immense benefits. The key to success lies in a clearly defined digital strategy supported by strategic consulting tools and a well-founded digital vision. Companies that follow this path benefit from more efficient internal processes and increased customer satisfaction, enabling them to assert themselves in today's dynamic business world. Despite the complexity of this endeavor, a clear vision and a carefully crafted strategy lead to a promising digital future in logistics.
Let's shape the future of supply chains together and take advantage of the diverse opportunities of digital transformation. Do you have further questions about the topics or tools presented or do you need support with a specific project? I would be happy to help you via the contact form or by email
Ross, J. W., Beath, C. M., & Mocker, M. (2019). Designed for Digital: How to Architect Your Business for Sustained Success. MIT Press.
Sheffi, Yossi. (2012). "Logistics Clusters: Delivering Value and Driving Growth." MIT Press.
Westerman, George, Bonnet, Didier, & McAfee, Andrew. (2014). "Leading Digital: Turning Technology into Business Transformation." Harvard Business Review Press.